1856年7月,德国萨克森(SAXON)钢琴制造的家族后裔索卡斯顿•帕克斯曼(SOKASTON PAXMAN),继承了其父高超的制琴天赋与雄伟志向,满怀豪情地在德国美丽的城市德累斯顿( Dresden )市,创立了以家族姓氏为厂名及钢琴品牌的 “帕克斯曼”(PAXMAN)钢琴厂。
In July 1856, descendants of Saxon piano, SOKASTON PAXMAN, inherited his father's superb musical talent and had a magnificent aspiration to found piano factory which used his family name, PAXMAN, for the brand in Dresden the beautiful city in German.
1859年,著名的匈牙利作曲家、钢琴家弗朗茨•李斯特(Franz Liszt)造访英国,将当时德国产的“帕克斯曼”(PAXMAN)钢琴作为贵重的礼物,献给当时显赫卓绝的维多利亚女王,并将“帕克斯曼”(PAXMAN)钢琴的品质展现在贵族的舞台,打造了享有盛誉的地位和殊荣。
In 1859, the famous Hungarian composer and pianist Franz Liszt visited England and presented the Paxman piano as a precious gift to the eminent Queen Victorian, which was made in Germany. PAXMAN piano was shown in the noble stage, which create a prestigious position and honor.
1861年,英国女王维多利亚与其丈夫阿尔伯特亲王生前曾高度赞扬了“帕克斯曼”(PAXMAN)钢琴,女王将其亡夫最后弹奏的钢琴作为国家珍宝馆藏,并授予“英国宫廷御用钢琴”这样至高无上的荣耀。至此,“帕克斯曼”钢琴迅速得到了皇宫王室的关注与追捧,随之很快得到整个欧洲众多贵族的认可。其中有安哈尔特公爵、奥尔登堡大公爵、葡萄牙国王、波旁王朝查尔斯·路易王子等指定 “帕克斯曼”钢琴厂为皇家用琴生产厂;
In 1861, Queen Victoria and her husband, Prince Albert, praised the PAXMAN piano. The last piano her deceased husband played was collected as a national treasure by queen. And awarded supreme glory, BRITISH ROYAL PIANO. Thus, Paxman piano was quickly attracted the attention of the Royal Palace and sought after, and soon won the recognition of many European aristocracy. The Duke of Anhalt, the Duke of Oldenburg, the King of Portugal, the Charles Bourbon Charles Prince Louis etc.designated Paxman piano factory for the royal piano factory
1908年索卡斯顿·帕克斯曼先生去世了,为纪念索卡斯顿·帕克斯曼为家族取得的伟大荣耀和对钢琴品牌做出的杰出贡献,其子安格斯·帕克斯曼(AUGUS PAXMAN)将其钢琴品牌改名为:“索卡斯顿” (SOKASTON)钢琴,并将其工厂搬迁至英国伦敦,投入重金扩大规模生产钢琴。
In 1908, Mr. Sokalston Paxman passed away.In order to commemorate the great glory and his outstanding contribution to the piano brand by Sokax Paxman, his son, AUGUS PAXMAN changed its piano brand name to SOKASTON. And its factory moved to London investing heavily to expand the scale of piano production
1861年,英国女王维多利亚与其丈夫阿尔伯特亲王生前曾高度赞扬了“帕克斯曼”(PAXMAN)钢琴,女王将其亡夫最后弹奏的钢琴作为国家珍宝馆藏,并授予“英国宫廷御用钢琴”这样至高无上的荣耀。至此,“帕克斯曼”钢琴迅速得到了皇宫王室的关注与追捧,随之很快得到整个欧洲众多贵族的认可。其中有安哈尔特公爵、奥尔登堡大公爵、葡萄牙国王、波旁王朝查尔斯•路易王子等指定 “帕克斯曼”钢琴厂为皇家用琴生产厂;
1908年索卡斯顿•帕克斯曼先生去世了,为纪念索卡斯顿•帕克斯曼为家族取得的伟大荣耀和对钢琴品牌做出的杰出贡献,其子安格斯•帕克斯曼(AUGUS PAXMAN)将其钢琴品牌改名为:“索卡斯顿” (SOKASTON)钢琴,并将其工厂搬迁至英国伦敦,投入重金扩大规模生产钢琴。